Professional Driver Improvement Course (PDIC)

Total Hours: 7

Total Cost: $175.00

Available Wednesdays.

Check-in: 7:45 AM (Please come to the front entrance on 6A street to get into the building.)

Course Start: 8:00 AM

Contact us by phone to pre-register and pay for all courses. Visa and MasterCard are accepted by phone, and Debit/Cash are accepted in person.

This course focuses on defensive driving techniques for the professional driver, which will aid in:

1) Preventing collisions

2) Saving lives

3) Delivering cargo safely

4) Reducing costs

5) Maintaining professional driving habits

Once completed, participants will receive a certificate that allows them to remove 3 demerits from the oldest moving violation(s) on their driver’s abstract. The certificate can be used any time within 2 years of the date of issue.

Contact us by phone to pre-register and pay for all courses. Visa and Mastercard are accepted by phone, and Debit/Cash are accepted in person.